Something happened when I transposed the piece - that’s how it’s supposed to be. Thats crazy

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I recall reading this one on Winter Oak as Paul Cudenec had referenced it on his substack ... liked it then, like it now.

"Freud’s greatest illusion was marketing a confidence trick as a new science. Now his demon seed is in every aspect of our lives via Bernays and subsequent acolytes." — Nabokov was in the habit of referring to Freud as the "Viennese quack". Here's a relevant poem you're sure to appreciate: https://redpillpoems.substack.com/p/targets

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Thank you

Yes you’re right - love it

I’m supposed to be putting a book together titled 100 Short Poems

Here’s one in a similar vein

Bluebells have no Spreadsheets

Bluebells have no spreadsheets

no Pantone colour numbers

there is no plan to assail the eye

no meetings no hierarchy no database

to refer to prior to bloom

bluebells have no conscience or need

to explain their actions

whatever god they have remains pleased

and requires no post hoc rationalisations

of this shade or that angle

the morning dew

requires no introduction there is

no qualification in the spread of diamonds

that prism the morning sun no

certification is required to lift the hearts

of deer who don’t observe anything but are


while even poets can’t see the wood

just wind caught waves of blue

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Thanks for sharing. It really hits the mark!

To my mind it's two tiny changes away from being excellent. If it's not too impertinent, I would suggest moving "there is" and "no" to the next lines, thus...

"the morning dew

requires no introduction

there is no qualification

in the spread of diamonds

that prism the morning sun

no certification is required to lift the hearts"

To my mind, ending lines in places that make no sense and do little but break natural flow, is a fashion that does poetry no favours.

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Mussolini and fascism...



"A kind of acute sense of smell impelled me toward gifted people," she

wrote in her memoirs, which are really a collection of episodes about

her meetings with preeminent world figures, including the inventor

Guglielmo Marconi, Pope Pius X, president Franklin Delano Roosevelt,

Albert Einstein and many others. Israel Zangwill, whom she calls the

"Jewish Dickens," and Ze'ev Jabotinsky, the Zionist Revisionist

leader, were also among her acquaintances."

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"All wars are lies. All carousel. We’ve known this a long time: ‘In war, truth is the first casualty’, Aeschylus." — Here's another relevant poem you might like: https://redpillpoems.substack.com/p/the-road-to-war-is-paved-with-lies

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